The Rising Boss Podcast

How to deal with micro aggressions at work and why it's important to stay true to yourself w/ Beatrice Kabutakapua

Maria Monique Season 1 Episode 5

This episode is all about keeping your authentic true self in a diverse workplace.  Our guest,  Beatrice Kabutakapua, is a storytelling coach determined to help women of color entrepreneurs feel confident, give back to the community while being original and their clearest, most creative, true selves. 

In a world full of prejudice and as people of color, how do you navigate through the workplace? What habits or mentality should we put ourselves into and practice in order to overcome these negativities?  All that and more in this episode!

If you want to know more about Beatrice and would like to reach out to her, click on the below links to connect: 

On the other hand, if you want to reach out or collaborate with me, please feel free to reach out through 

Catch ya later Boss!